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Jodo Mission of Hawaii has been at its present location (1429 Makiki Street, Honolulu, HI 96814) since 1932.  As many of you have noticed, we have gone through many renovations to our temple building and property over the many years.  To upkeep this temple is a tremendous job.  It takes many, many people and many, many manpower not only to do building renovations, but upkeeping our many activities, trying to keep an   up-to-date member listing so we can continue to spread Jodo Shu Buddhism in Hawaii.  


Many of our ancestors who came from Japan hundreds of years ago, survived their hardships of plantation life so we can live like we are.  There have been a few many wars over the years and many have gone to fight for our country and our State of Hawaii.  We are always grateful for every day we are alive and say thank you to Amida Buddha for this day, some days may be not as good as others but if we can remember one good thing that happened this day to make us go forward, then it was a good day.

There are many ways you can donate your time as well as monetary donations.  See below.

ways you can donate your time or monetary donation:



I support Jodo Mission of Hawaii in spreading Jodo Shu Buddhism in Hawaii and I would like to donate my time to assist the temple in whatever way I can help.  

I am willing to pull weeds.

I am willing to do carpentry work.

i am a jack-of-all-trades and would like to volunteer my services, etc.

Please call Jodo Mission office

949-3995 that you want to volunteer.

I support Jodo Mission of Hawaii in spreading Jodo Shu Buddhism in Hawaii and I would like to donate a monetary gift to assist the temple.  Please send your donations to

     Jodo Mission of Hawaii

     1429 Makiki Street

      Honolulu, HI  96814

My grandparents, great grandparents and parents belonged to Jodo Mission and I remember going to    O-Bon Services.  I have become a  Christian however I still come to the Bon Dance and sometimes to O-Bon Services.   In honor of my ancestors, i would like to give a monetary donation.  Please send donation to:

    Jodo Mission of Hawaii

    1429 Makiki Street

     Honolulu, HI  96814

I support Jodo Mission of Hawaii in spreading Jodo Buddhism in Hawaii and it gives me comfort in knowing that I am supporting a worthy cause.  I read your newsletter each month and appreciate letting me know what is going on at the temple.  I am unable to come to the temple and appreciate reading about the various

activities at Jodo Mission that I enjoyed.

Comments are always appreciated.  You may write to:

          Jodo Mission of Hawaii

           1429 Makiki Street

            Honolulu, HI 96814

 Or email comments to:

I had a wonderful experience which i would like to share with your members.  We would love to hear your story.  Please send your story to:

Jodo Mission of Hawaii

1429 Makiki Street

Honolulu, HI  96814

Or email to:

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you.

Jodo Mission Of Hawaii
1429 Makiki Street,honolulu, Hawaii  96814  USA

Telephone:  (808) 949-3995

Fax:              (808) 941-4610

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